Bats are nocturnal

An older pic … posed in Poser, rendered with Vue and painted with Painter X – this is one panel of a one-page comic strip that I made once. It’s not really batman, the costume is all wrong, but ah well, it was fun to do. 🙂

Focus on the Fractal

Apophysis fractal with text added in Photoshop. It just looks like a camera lens to me, so I copied the info from my Kodak for a bit of authenticity…

Hide and seek

A DAZ|Studio render with a Vue render as backdrop. Apart from the Vue backdrop, everything else used in this picture were freebies. What an awesome community the content creators are!


My dream was thus: A wooded glade, and moonlight streaming down like scarves of silk, so delicate, through trees and leaves and to the ground. I saw a figure sleeping there, stretched in the fragrant grass: She wore my face and in repose looked pale and cold and fair. Then from the east a movement… Continue reading Dream

Here we go again…

Lovely WordPress’s automatic upgrade to 2.7.1 killed my blog quite thoroughly. As my last backup was sometime in April last year (yeah yeah) and WordPress 2.7 doesn’t seem to want to import SQL backups in any case, I’ve decided to just start from scratch. I don’t much care in any case. So to get things… Continue reading Here we go again…